So after a long flight well 3 and 24 hours in airports I arrived in Fortaleza Airport. I saw the Club Ventos sign and headed over to the driver. He Didn’t speak any English, and I didn’t speak any Portuguese, but we soon managed to communicate we where waiting for two more people coming on the transfer to Icaraizinho. After 3 hours of waiting they finally arrived, but without there bags, after an hour or so of trying to sort that out we where finally on our way. In about 2 hours we arrived in Icaraizhino, where I was greeted by my boss and a few others from Club Ventos. Had a quick beer and I was ready to crash. The high humidity kept me from sleeping the first night but I quickly adjusted.
I’ve been here for just seven days. The wind has been light, quite unusual weather for here. I’ve sailed a total of seven days, on sizes from 6.2 to 5.1. Several days I was under powered. Today the weather got back on its normal pattern, and looks like it will be increasing over the next few days, and I’m quite excited. I had my best session on the trip today on a 5.9 throwing big airs of the waves on the reef, working on duck jibes, and even attempting one forward. Which I should be completing any day now.
The waves on the reef do far have been quite small, but I’ve been told they can get about head high to a little higher. I can’t wait for that. Inside the reef there is a nice flat water zone for ripping jibes and working on freestyle maneuvers.
Pictures will come soon, and I’ll work on some video but the internet is quite slow here, and cuts out when ever the phone rings. So check back for some awesome pictures and videos from a windsurfing paradise! As well sorry for my possibly horrible grammar and spelling, I think I’m forgetting it even more as I try to learn Brazilian Portuguese.